Monday, March 8, 2010


Just like the people competing in the Olympics, I would make such a commitment to marriage. Marriage is something that many people struggle to keep together today. Over half of marriages fail in the United States. Some marriages fall apart over reasonable situations, but some are ended over small fights. People everyday are beginning and ending marriages and either agreeing to the commitment it will take or giving up on that commitment they've already made.

Just like training for the Olympics, marriage takes a lot of patience. Olympians did not get to the Olympics by going out one day, failing at the sport, and then not practicing anymore because they gave up. The Olympians trained long hours and had patience with themselves to be as good as they are. Two people who are married must have patience to have a successful marriage. If they disagree on something, they can't get mad and start a fight or they would constantly be fight. Both the husband and wife have to talk it out.

If a marriage is not working out, determination to keep the marriage together is needed. Olympians must have determination also to succeed. If a couple is about to get divorced, one, or maybe neither, people are willing to try to make it work. If a couple is struggling, determination from both people could help the marriage work.


  1. YES!! i want a strong marriage when I get older... divorce= really sad :(

  2. Marriage seems very tough.
