Brave New World Bibliography

1. James Schellenberg gives a review on his views and opinions on the book Brave New World. He agrees with some facts, but then disagrees with others. He also compares this book with others he's read on the same subject. After reading the Brave New World review, I have different views and new opinions on what the book is about. Schellenberg's view will also help in backing up what Huxley's main point of writing the book was.

Schellenberg, James. "Science Fiction and Fantasy Reviews." Challenging Destiny. 22 Feb. 2004. Web. 28 Sept. 2010.

2. Norman Chad's article in The Washington Post has a tone of frustration and sarcasim. Chad gives his opinions about ways the Internet has changed what people use to do compared to what they do now. He uses personal examples and well-known examples. Although I do not fully agree on the awfulness of the Internet, I do agree with some of the comments he says about ridiculous changes that have occured in our time because of the Internet.

Chad, Norman. "Online, It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World." Washington Post 12 July 2010. EBSCO. Web. 14 Oct. 2010. .

3. This section shows the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana, what marijuana is, and people's views on the legalization of marijuana. In Brave New World, soma is used when the people of the society encounter uncomfortable emotions. In today's society, marijuana is a drug used by people to help them relax. While reading Brave New World, I thought as the leaders being ridiculous for letting their people use soma freely. Likewise, I think if the government decides to let Americans use marijuana freely it will also be ridiculous. However, I do agree with the writer that if marijuana is not going to be legal, other drugs such as tabacco products and alcohol should not be legal either.

White, Deborah. "Pros & Cons of Legalizing Marijuana." 2010. Web. 11 Oct. 2010. .

4. This blogpost is an arguement towards the person who believes cloning is wrong. The author explains that cloning, along with other major discoveries made in history, is just another step in the scientific level our world has reached. He also says that since past scientific discoveries have not been morally wrong, cloning should not be an exception. In fact, cloning is a step for well-being of humans. I agree. Although I do not know many facts or statistics about cloning, I do think it is another scientific discovery that will benefit our society.
Luke. "A Different View on Cloning." Associated Content. 29 Sept. 2010. Web. 11 Oct. 2010. .

5. On the subject of censorship, the beginning of this articles discusses banning body art in schools. In Brave New World, the citizens are not allowed to read or see past records of anything besides facts about the society they currently live in. They are also banned and can be removed from the society if they question the correctness of the way they are to live. In our world today, censorship in schools happens on the subject of dress codes. This article shares about students being banned or susupended from school because of their disagreements with the school on these topics.
Hudson, Karen L. "School Censorship - Banning Body Art." 2010. Web. 12 Oct. 2010. .