Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I Wear the Mask

I Wear the Mask

Everything is veiled.
To you, I am stainless.
To you, I am without weakness.
To you, my world seems to be full of ecstasy;
full of felicity.
Inside, the delight is still present,
But added is the defect.
To me, I am bitter.
To me, I am full of fluster.
To me, I am disguised.
One day, I will be unveiled.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patty's Day

St. Patrick's Day means different things to everyone. It may remind you of good or bad memories. For me, it reminds me of the start of the first day of a new age. My birthday is on March 16, so St. Patrick's Day is the day after. I remember every year waking up in the morning and my dad saying, "Do you feel one year older?" I never do.

St. Patrick's Day also reminds me of parties in elementary school. On St. Patrick's Day while all of the students would be at recess, the leprechaun would visit each classroom. I remember coming back into class very excited and seeing gold glitter scattered around the room. On the desks would be little gold coins that really had chocolate in the middle, and sometimes, the leprechaun would leave a little note.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Call of the Wild

Jack London's The Call of the Wild touched me with it's story of a dog who had to survive harsh circumstances throughout his life.

The theme of the book would be "survival of the fittest." From the beginning to the end, Buck, the main character, continually had to fight off other dogs or even humans trying to kill him. His second owner beat him for no reason, and his third owners had so many dogs to take care of, only the ones who could survive got to keep living.

Buck is a dog who first lived with a lawyer. He had a good home and was well taken care of, but he was still just a dog to his owner, just an animal. When Buck was sold to his second owner, he was nothing but dirt. The man in the red sweater beat him constantly for every little thing he did wrong. He was then sold again to join a pack of dogs who traveled. In this pack, he was the strongest and eventually the most feared. He always had the heart of a leader, and while running with this pack, his want to be a leader became more and more obvious. When the harsh winter came, and all the food was taken, every dog and even the men had to fend for themselves. The owners would beat the dogs until they could get up and lead the sled. If they couldn't get you up, they would kill you. When Buck's fourth owner comes along, Buck is more than a dog to this man, he is a friends and Buck is finally treated the way he should have been all along. Will Buck choose to stay with this man, or following the calling of the wild?

I recommend this book to anyone who loves to read. It's not only for animal lovers; it's a good story and has a good lesson for anyone.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Persuasion is a part of my everyday life. I try persuading friends, family, teachers, and many others. In my mind, persuasion works a very small amount of time. That could be because I'm not very good at it.

In my life, I try persuading my parents more than anything. Anytime I want to hang out with friends I come up with a reasonable excuse to be able to go, and more times than not, I get to do what I choose. Other times, however, if I already had plans with my family, my persuasion technique does not work very well for me. I also try persuading my friends. If we're hanging out that weekend I sometimes try to persuade them to agree with what activities I'm wanting to do. Depending on what my choice is, sometimes they agree and other times not. Altough I do not try using the persuasion technique on many of my teachers, I observe it being used in different classes each day. The most famous persuasion is trying to persuade a teacher to let you turn your homework in late, and the next one might be postponing a test. Whichever way it's used, in my opinion, the more you try to use persuasion the more selfish you are being.

Persuasion is also a main part of commercial ads in media. The commercials for orphans from another country are the most emotional for some, which is a very clever type of persuasion to use. Other commercials may say they have the best product of something and you should stop using a different kind and switch to theirs.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Winning can mean many different things. For some, winning is recieving a gold medal, a trophy, or maybe even money. For others, winning means knowing that were the best at whatever type of competetion they were in. And for some, winning means knowing they did the best they could.

Although I love having a tangible award after winning, the most important kind of winning to me is the third kind, knowing you did your best. If a person has the outlook of winning as just being the best at everything all the time, they will be highly disappointed when the time comes around when they tried their hardest, but someone was still better. If someone has the outlook of winning by trying their best, even whenever that other person may do better than them, they can still be proud of themself.


Just like the people competing in the Olympics, I would make such a commitment to marriage. Marriage is something that many people struggle to keep together today. Over half of marriages fail in the United States. Some marriages fall apart over reasonable situations, but some are ended over small fights. People everyday are beginning and ending marriages and either agreeing to the commitment it will take or giving up on that commitment they've already made.

Just like training for the Olympics, marriage takes a lot of patience. Olympians did not get to the Olympics by going out one day, failing at the sport, and then not practicing anymore because they gave up. The Olympians trained long hours and had patience with themselves to be as good as they are. Two people who are married must have patience to have a successful marriage. If they disagree on something, they can't get mad and start a fight or they would constantly be fight. Both the husband and wife have to talk it out.

If a marriage is not working out, determination to keep the marriage together is needed. Olympians must have determination also to succeed. If a couple is about to get divorced, one, or maybe neither, people are willing to try to make it work. If a couple is struggling, determination from both people could help the marriage work.