Saturday, October 24, 2009

Reading: Love it or Hate it?

For many students, and adults, reading is something you either love or hate. The difference between loving and hating for some is knowing how to pick out a book to read that you can enjoy. The majority of people you ask say they don't like reading because they just can't get into or interested in the book. Here are a few steps that may help with picking out your next book to read:

1. Find your level of difficulty for your reading. Many people read try reading books that are too advanced for them and cannot understand, or reading books that are too easy and do not challenge them at all by reading.

2. Pick a genre you enjoy reading. For example, if you've never been interested in reading mysteries it wouldn't be a good idea to pick up a mystery book and expect to enjoy it very much. This isn't to say you should stick to only one genre.

3. Choose an author. When choosing an author, find one who writes about stories you're interested in. If the genre you choose is mystery, but you don't enjoy scary mysteries, don't pick an author who only writes mysteries that are scary.

4. Select the book! Find a book by the author you chose, the genre you chose, the difficulty you chose, and about a topic you're interested in.

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