Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pro life VS Pro choice

A woman having an abortion is choosing to have the fetus inside of her removed and killed. Some people are very strong opinionated on the subject of abortion. They may be very strong pro life, meaning against abortion, or pro choice, not necessarily meaning for it but also not against it. For me, I am for the most part pro life. I do not believe abortions are right for the situations most people consider it.

I don't know whether the fetus has thoughts or feelings while in the womb, but I do know that the woman and the people around her have feelings and memories. Not only is an abortion the killing of a baby, but the woman also has to live with it after. This could greatly affect not only the physical part of a woman but also the mental and emotional part.

The majority of people that are pro life are Christians. They believe, along with myself, that every child, starting the minute the egg is fertilized, has a soul and is a gift from God. One of the main verses that makes me believe abortion is wrong is found in Job 10: 8-12 which says "Your hands shaped me and made me. Will you now turn and destroy me? Remember that you molded me like clay. Will you now turn me to dust again? Did you not pour me out like milk... and knit me together with bones and sinews? You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit." In our world, there are many who are not Christians so it is hard to use the Bible to try to convince others to agree, but I do think it is a very good argument towards other Christians.

Another big part of my opinion on abortion is the methods they use. From the methods I have heard of and read, none of them in my opinion seem "not that bad" or "OK." To view some of the methods and facts and opinions about abortion go to

Although I agree that women should have the choice of what is done with their own body, I do not believe that a baby inside of them is enough of their body for them to decide whether it lives or it dies.


  1. I'm loving the way your blog looks.. I agree, one should not have the power to decide another's death

  2. I agree as well. I could type a whole essay on this topic. So all i'm going to say is Pro life all the way.
