Friday, October 15, 2010

Reading Reflection

Being introduced to the new reading guidelines this year burdened me. Although I don't necessarily hate reading, I feared getting my 150 minutes in every week. I'm sad to say I have not established a consistent reading pattern, yet. I say yet because I promise I'm still working on it. I have a habit of just reading whenever I have freetime or craming the night before if I'm suppose to have a certain number of pages, or in this case minutes, due. To improve this habit, I'm going to try reading from 8:30-9 every night. I work until 7 and my family usually eats dinner as soon as I get home, so the first amount of free time I have outside of school will be close to 8:30.

I have only read two books this nine weeks. The Hunger Games was not a very deep read, but Brave New World deepened my thinking to a new level. I am now reading The Things They Carried which I believe will be a happy-medium between the two extremes of book types. Inking my thinking seems to be more challenging when reading books like The Hunger Games because most of the story is on the surface. More complex books such as Brave New World have plenty of inking material that I think is great to be able to look back on to try to find the meaning of the story. By inking, I am forced to look deeper into the material I'm reading and pay closer attention.

Next quarter, I need to finish more books. I also need to try to establish the set reading habit of reading 30 minutes a night. I also plan on finishing The Things They Carried, and possibly reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, the second book to The Hunger Games series, and The Shack.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your honesty. It can be challenging trying to establish a regular reading habit. I'd like to say it gets easier, but life will most likely only get busier. But, if you can carve out a regular time for reading, it's very rewarding. You'll find the more you read, the more you'll enjoy it. The journaling will get easier. Inking our thinking is a mental exercise. Much like weight lifting, it hurts at first, but gets easier and yields awesome results. Stick with it: you'll be glad you did. :)

    I'm glad you're challenging yourself more difficult titles. The ones you mention are all good choices. The Shack is one of my favorites. It provides plenty of philosophical material for journaling!
